Wednesday, January 26, 2011

So I totally suck.

Remember that super cute Christmas card I made?
I sure hope you all were not holding your breath for yours to arrive.
Cause you might be needing an ambulance right about now.

BUT you can expect a UBER sweet valentines day card from the Holgersens.

Sure hope this redeems me among the grandparents!
*side note* I suck at sending thank you notes too, much apologizes.

{this was my first purchase from tiny prints and the process was WONDERFUL, highly recommend and will be back}

Did you enter this weeks giveaway?
Click here.


  1. valentines day cards... brilliant. we do january cards every year... but as my procrastination gets worse and worse... i'm afraid i'm going to have to resort to valentines day eventually.

  2. super cute Amy, and yes, I was wondering
    where my holiday card was LOL...too cute :)
    Isnt Tinyprints amazing? I use them for
    everything, I even got 2 emails from the
    co. prez and they were actually FROM him..
    love them.


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