Monday, October 18, 2010

Formally known as...

Ok, made a little name change to my weekly post.
We are going from Mention Me Mondays to Blog All About It.
With the name change comes a cute little button...

I started this weekly post to share. And my first blog is ALL about sharing.
The lovley ladies over at HowDoesShe? have created three incredible hubs for all of us to share printables, crafts, and recipes ideas.

Check them out.

Side note if you subscribe to HowDoesShe? you will get some fun free printables from the talented Chickabug.

I heart me some photography. I pretend to be a photographer. I know I am not, but its fun to pretend. I stumbled across a Dad who does not have to pretend.

Jason Lee started his blog back in 2006 when his mother was diagnosed non-hodgkins lymphoma so she could she her grandkids without being exposed to their germs. Read a interview with Jason here.

You can see more images at the sisters blog. Enjoy, I know I did.

Do I want on these?!
Why, yes please. But which one?
Gabby from Gypsy Diaries just open Blog Couture, I wish her many blessings of success!

Hope you enjoyed this weeks Blog All About It.

My cousin is new to the blogosphere.
She is Hi-larry-us.
Please go give her some bloggie love and welcome her.

1 comment:

Don't be shy. I don't bite. Write something you know you want to...