Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A few things to share...

I am slapping my bad blogger hand as I type this.
I totally missed my own weekly post yesterday!!
So next week I will have 6 things to mention.

It took me two weeks {LOTS of nap crafty time} to make this Halloween count down
calendar but I think it turned out pretty darn cute. I chose to hand stitch each pocket, not sure if I would do that again!

Buggie is lovely getting something everyday {we are using as it as incentive for
good school drop offs, since she is still having some issues in the morning}.
I added things from the dollar bin at Target and Joann's plus some candy.
Today she got Barbie socks, and she could not have been more happy.

Emily's mailbox has been filling up everyday with tons of AMAZING things we have gathered
for the BIG fundraiser. She has been posting little shots of just a few of the merchants involved, check it out here and here.

This is a sneak peek at what I will be contributing...

{sorry for my bad iphone photos today, went to use my camera and the battery was dead}


  1. OMG! You are the cutest Mom!!! I love that Halloween countdown!!! <333

  2. LOVE the countdown!
    I am getting so excited for the auction. Hoping Oufi pulled through.
    Have a fabulous day Amy,

  3. what a freakin' adorable halloween countdown!

    my kids would think i was the coolest mom ever if i made such a thing. hmmmm, maybe i should?

  4. your countdown is ADORABLE!!! I will definitely have to make one next year. I have similar aspirations for a Christmas countdown. Great job mama!!


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