Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bundle 4 All Boy...

When planning this event Em and I knew we could not forget the little dudes.
Between the two of us there is 4 dudes {ok so 3 of the 4 are hers but who is counting?!}
The boy bundle is chop full of dude worthy stuff.

Boo-boo Kit, Crayon Kit, Rocket Tee: Max and Ellie
SK8 onesie, 3 Burp Cloths: Sunkissed Cotton
2 Bibs, 1 Burp Cloth, 1 Soft Ball: 2 Little Hooligans
Paper and Pigtails $25 gift card: Paper and Pigtails
Navy Blue Car Hoodie: Evy's Tree
"Mr. Numbers" print: Sugar Fresh
Blue Owl Crochet Hat: Bzzyfingers
Birthday Sticker Sheets: Chickabug
Custom Wool Longie: CatChick6 Creations
2 Halloween Collection Printables: The Tom Kat Studio

One more to go, hope you are not too sick of me yet today :-)

1 comment:

Don't be shy. I don't bite. Write something you know you want to...