Monday, July 5, 2010

Will you join us?

Do you feel we are lacking something these days?
A certain connection with one another.
We live in such a instant gratification society.
What ever happen to good old mail?

I *heart* mail.
I will admit that if it is a holiday, no mail day, I get a little tinge of sadness.
My little girl has gain these same feelings.
So when I heard that Hayley from little pinwheel's, daughter Keely had the same
feeling towards mail, I had a crazy thought.

Will you follow these little girls as the create a friendship through mail?
Head over to Little Penpals to join in on the fun.
And please do not mind the dust, the blog is a work in progress.

Be back in a little bit for a SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL giveaway for us ladies!


  1. I love this idea and I too love mail! I have always said if I could do a different job for 1 day it would be to be a mail carrier for the day. Of course I only want to deliver fun mail. This has inspired me to TRY to write a letter a week - I even scored some fun new stationary today for the cause.

  2. Carey Clemons Bailey has left a new comment on your post "Will you join us?":

    I love this idea and I too love mail! I have always said if I could do a different job for 1 day it would be to be a mail carrier for the day. Of course I only want to deliver fun mail. This has inspired me to TRY to write a letter a week - I even scored some fun new stationary today for the cause.

  3. Thanks for the inspiration:


Don't be shy. I don't bite. Write something you know you want to...