Monday, May 3, 2010

A "voluntary" recall

Sorry people there is no "voluntary" when it comes to a recall, especially when it comes to my kids!

So today I went to Target with a bag of 6 bottles, from this list. They took them
all back, no boxes no receipts, one even had maybe one dose left in the bottle. Got my money back in full, then spent it on things we "needed".
I mean I really never need anything from Target, but I sure do love it.


  1. Thank you for posting this!! I just checked my supply and had both of these things them as shower gifts and took them backTarget totally gave me all my money back!

  2. Thanks girl! I totally fogot to go back and check the list....looks like a trip to Target is in my future!!!

  3. Thanks for the heads up! Thankfully we don't have any from those batches in the house, but I wouldn't have known to check if I hadn't seen your post!

  4. I just read about this tonight about 10 min. after we gave it to my daughter, so scary! Off to Target we go tomorrow, thanks!


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