Monday, May 17, 2010

Superhero Blaster Cuffs {Tutorial}

We live in the world of imagination. And one thing that happens everyday at our house is dress up time. So when Buggie was running around the house this weekend in her superhero cape blasting us with her arms, I thought of this post. Here is what I used to make Buggie her own superhero blaster cuffs!

- 3 Felt sheets {at least three different colors}
- Fabric glue
- Hot glue
- Needle and thread
- Tape measure
- Jewels {if making for boys you can skip this one}
- Velcro

First I measured her wrist {so tiny}. I added 1/2 in to the measurement.

Then I cut the felt the width of the measurement. {the length depends on the look you want for them} I did mine longer so the flared at the open ends.

Testing the width out on her wrist.

Then I added the velcro to the end with hot glue. And cut small felt squares for the buttons.
And two larger pieces for a flap.

Then I hand stiched the flap to the cuff.

Here is the flap attached to both cuffs. And then under the flap I added the blue buttons with fabric glue and on each button put a jewel with hot glue. I also added a piece of velcro to close the flap.

Lastly I cut lighting bolt shapes and used fabric glue to adhere them.

They turned out pretty cute for a 20 min craft!

Um, the stuff all over her face was face paint crayons, I guess it added to her super hero persona!

Watch out she is going to blast you with her gamma rays!



  1. Way cute! My little girl wants to be a superhero just like her brothers. We are definitely going to make these!

  2. wow amy! you rock! they turned out cute! can you give me some more info on the type of needle and thread! yes, i am new to this! thanks!

  3. i am totally making some of those. those are awesome!

  4. Amy this is absolutely adorable. What a fun mom you must be. Bookmarking.

  5. mum you rock! seriously you are the craft mum..... love it. Buggie looks gorgeous, the best looking superhero. x


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