Monday, May 24, 2010

Mom in the Shot {An Anderson Crew Challenge}

Here we are.
As we are every morning.
Snuggles in bed.

Thanks Emily.
I am excited for this week.

{Timer is a Mom's best friend, set it and forget it.}


  1. you will treasure this photo in the years to come. nothing better than morning snuggles with the babes:)

  2. I love this! Im joining in on it! Thanks for posting about it, great idea!

  3. loooooooove it!!
    this is a perfect photo :)

    and no, i did not have lipstick on. it's my shiny gloss i always wear...luckily for me, i actually had to be ready this morning, haha.

  4. This is such a great idea for a picture. Thanks for sharing! What a treasure!

  5. Found you from your comment on Emily's post.

    LOVE the picture. Morning snuggles are the best. We don't have anything across from our bed for me to put the camera on or I would totally steal this idea.

  6. there is something about snuggles in the morning.... my little ones are always there too! I will try to capture a moment this week too. you captured a beautiful moment x

  7. What a great pic! So ordinary, yet you can see the beauty and sense the love! I need to get going on this challenge!

  8. Awesome idea to get mom in the shot! We have loads and loads of pictures and I am always the one behind the camera! I kindof like it that way, but still, it is important to have mom in some of the pics.

  9. Love this and love your blog! I just found your etsy shop and I REALLY love that. Were you a graphic designer? Your blog has opened me up to a whole new world of crafty bloggers! I wish I had blogs when I had my first babies and was sewing and crafting like mad, but in a vacuum.

    I don't exactly understand the whole "Anderson Challenge" thing but it seems to be some kind of challenge to get yourself in the picture!! I need to do that. My oldest is 12 and my youngest is 5. I guess it's not too late. But every mom knows how easy it is to go through years of albums and realize there are only 5 pictures of YOU! I'm snapping us all day as we go about our summer fun. Better yet, I'll pass the camera around and the kids can snap too. (But, oh, do they love to take the most unflattering shots!) I'll stop by again soon. Sorry for the novel. ;-)


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