Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hair I am!

You can laugh at my self photos, I did.
But the hairs look good, and thats all that matters...


  1. Looks fabulous! I have curly hair also but mine never seems to look like that. So I am a slave to the blow dryer. Or ponytail. Congrats on the new do!

  2. I love the curls! Mine have been way too wild lately...

  3. I am loving your hair! wow it is really curly..... love it!

  4. Amy, your hair is GORGEOUS! Wow. Mine is super wavy, but after having Gabriel, and losing so much it now results to kinky flat waves or frizz. I need to find a new product. What do you use?

  5. BEAUTIFUL! I always wanted curly hair. Instead I got this ugly natural wave. ugh!


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