Monday, March 1, 2010

Penny Lane Designs Blog Makeover Giveaway {March 1 - March 8}

Spring is right around the corner, I promise. Do you need to do a little spring cleaning?
How about a little blog sprucing up? Need something new a fresh to start the spring?
Then this giveaway is for you!

"Hi there! I'm Marina the owner and designer of Penny Lane Designs. I started PLD when I realized I had a passion for design and a knack for geeky technology stuff (like learning html) and combining the two to make something pretty. As a kid I was always the 'creative' type and I also spent a fair amount of time on the computer, so I suppose this little business was my destiny. ;) I strive to make sure that all of my designs are unique, clean and polished, and not something that you would find anywhere else. You can view tons of examples of my designs here. I truly enjoy every minute of my job and love working with so many different people!

When I am not busy on my computer, I enjoy spending time with my husband, our 7 month old little boy, Owen, and also with friends and family.

I was excited when Amy contacted me about participating in this giveaway and I am looking forward to working with one lucky blogger! Good luck everyone!"

How sweet is Marina, you know you want to work with her.
Well TWO, thats right TWO lucky followers get a blog makeover from Penny Lane Designs!

One follower will receive a pre-design makeover.

The other will get a customer makeover:
Custom Header and Background
6 Sidebar Titles
Post Signature

How exciting is that?!

To enter this giveaway you MUST be a follower of my blog.

To enter {please make sure to leave a separate comment for EACH entry}:
1. Follow my blog and go to Penny Lane Designs to check things out.
2. Follow Marina on her blog and leave her some blog love!
3. Blog, Twitter and/or Facebook about this giveaway {leave a link if possible}
4. What do you LOVE most about spring?

Giveaway is open until midnight on March 8th. And the winners will be chosen via and announced on March 9th.

Good luck my Spring Chicks!


  1. I need a makeover!!! Yes, I am a follower. I'm off to check out PLD......thanks!


  2. I'm a follower of Penny Lane Designs too! (That's how I heard about this fantastic give away!)

  3. My favorite thing about Spring is the weather. (I am so sick of this cold, yucky winter weather!)

  4. now a follower (came over from PLD), thanks for the opportunity!

  5. WOW this would be PERFECT since I just started a blog for our mom's group AND my maternity boutique!!!! Thanks!!!

  6. Following Marina's blog!

  7. What do I LOVE about Spring??? Spring really! The better warm up soon! The the stores!!!!

  8. I am a follower of your blog. :)

  9. I am now following Penny Lane Designs & I am in need of a blog makeover. :)

  10. Favorite thing about spring- being outside with the kids playing in the yard & the smell of fresh cut grass.

  11. What a great giveaway! I'm a follower now. :)

  12. I'm a follower over at PLD too. =)

  13. Aaaaand the best thing about Spring is the wonderful warm weather, of course! I'm excited to experience my first West Coast Spring this year. :) Check me out at or email me at kristenkelley08 {at} gmail {dot} com.

  14. I am now a follower of your blog. It's adorable!

  15. I am also a long time follower of Marina's blog and she has done some amazing work on my friends blogs and I hope she will do the same for mine!

  16. The best thing about spring is opening up the windows in the house, blaring the music and enjoying a nice glass of wine before the heat of the Houston weather creeps in for summer. Oh and spring time also mean crawfish season!

  17. I am a follower of your site. Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  18. I am also a follower of PLD! I have a prefab design from her and would LOVE to win a custom design. She is very talented!

  19. As to what I love most about spring -- I love the beautiful flowers and warmer weather. It just makes me want to spend all day outdoors!

  20. following marina & left her some blog love!

  21. i love all the snew spring dresses out there! can't wait for warmer weather!

  22. Now I'm following Marina around, too ;)

  23. I love seeing all the animals out and about again. You know, the lucky ones that get to sleep all winter. I can't wait for spring!

  24. I'm a follower of your blog and love PLD's work! Thank you for this opportunity!:)

  25. So excited about the giveaway! I was actually in Marina's sorority in college and have been wanting one of her designs for a while now! Following your blog and heading over to comment on Marina's :)

  26. I am a follower of your blog. Have been for awhile. Love it!

  27. I'm a follower of Penny Lane Designs!

  28. I can't wait for warm weather and for sandals!

  29. I checked out Penny Lane and am now a follower LOVE and NEED this!

  30. I just posted a link to the contest on my facebook page. Really hoping to win!

  31. What i love most about spring? Little girls in dresses and pigtails playing hopscotch outside. Can't wait!

  32. I tweeted!

  33. I'm a follower and would LOVE to win a blog make-over. I'm in desperate need of one!

  34. I follow both! And I retweeted! :) Out of everything Spring-y, I love those Easter chocolate marshmallow eggs the best!

  35. BTW, I LOVE Marina's work! I've been wanting to get a redesign by her for the longest!

  36. My favorite part of Spring is the glorious Easter services at church and our wedding anniversary!

  37. I'm also a follower of Penny Lane Designs!

  38. Yay! I'm a follower. A blog makeover would be fabulous!!

  39. And my favorite part of Spring are fun, spring colored clothes, baseball season, great weather and long walks when the time changes!

  40. I twittered about your giveaway:

  41. I follow penny lane designs already! A blog makeover would be awesome!

  42. I love opening up the windows to feel the warm breeze and of course, new clothes!

  43. I'm a follower of your blog!

  44. I am also following PLD's blog!

  45. My favorite thing about spring is driving with my windows down and opening the windows in our house!

  46. Follower and I could definitely find a blog design for myself!

  47. My favorite thing about spring is finally getting some sunshine around here!

  48. I actually found your blog through Marina's blog :) I'm now a follower

  49. And the thing I love most about spring is the lack of snow....I'm seeing several inches of snow fall today, in fact, and I'm so tired of it.

  50. And I've been a follower of Penny Lane Designs. I love Marina's work!

  51. Following Marina and left her some comment love.

  52. Spring is my favorite season. I hate to be cold but also don't love the sweltering summers of the Deep South. It is beautiful here in the spring, perfect beach weather.


    blogged :)

  54. i am a follower of Penny Lane Designs

  55. Spring is such a great time of year! What I love most about the spring is seeing the bluebonnets and wild flowers spring up on the side of the road. When I see those flowers it makes me feel like a kid on christmas morning. There is something nostalgic about the bluebonnet and wild flowers. It reminds me everyday that I am a Texas girl at heart. yay for spring!

  56. I love Penny Lane Designs. I'm a new blog follower

  57. I tweeted about the contest:

  58. The thing I love most about Spring is Tulips =)

  59. Following both of you now! My favorite thing about spring is watching all of the flowers start to bloom and enjoying the cool evenings!

  60. I'm a follower

    vbbradford at gmail dot com

  61. I became a fan of Penny Lane

    vbbradford at gmail dot com

  62. My favorite thing about Spring is all the beautiful flowers and trees blooming

    vbbradford at gmail dot com

  63. a PLD follower and now a follower of yours . . . boy, do I need some blog help . . . please!

  64. I am now a follower of your adorable blog! I also went to PLD to check things out (well I do this all the time bc I love her designs!)

  65. I now follow Marina and left her some comment love!

  66. I LOVE going on runs/walks in the spring with my hubby and baby! I am ready for flip flops and spring gardening!

  67. my favorite thing about spring is that summer comes right after it :)

  68. I am a follower of your FAB blog and almost fainted when I saw this wonderful giveaway! So excited!

  69. I am now following Marina and left her some bloggy love! Thank you!

  70. What I love MOST about Spring is hearing all the birds chirping in the morning. It reminds me of being a little girl when I would hear that every morning as I was getting up and ready for school. Totally takes me back to my childhood. AND I of course love Spring for the warm weather that I live for!

  71. I am new follower to your blog and Penny Lane Designs. SHe recently created two new blog designs for two of my friends. Her work is amazing! What is there to NOT love about spring...all the flowers, being outside and enjoying the outdoors...everyone seems so happy!

  72. I'm a new follower! I found you through Penny Lane Designs. I've been wanting a blog makeover for a while now and I just LOVE her designs. I love the header pictures on your blog - your kids are just precious!

  73. Not sure how to link to a specific tweet, but I just tweeted. My twitter address is, and it's at the top of my page!

  74. My favorite thing about spring? There are so many! My daughter was born in the spring, so it brings back memories of that time in my life. I also just love the newness of spring. Everything blossoming - all the fresh smells, having more COLOR outside, and being able to BE outside more.

  75. I am now a follower of your blog and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVEEEE PLD!!! I have been wanting to re-do my blog for the longest time, so I keeping my fingers crossed tightly for this one! :)
    xoxox! Holly

  76. And I am also a follower of PLD! :) xo-Holly

  77. Favorite thing about spring? Being outside and smelling the yummy flowers in bloom! Whenever I am outside with my little one soaking up the sun, I feel energized! Spring- hurry up and get here for good!! :) xo-Holly

  78. Following Penny Lane, too. Her designs are simply A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!! So fresh and fun :)

  79. What I love most about spring is FINALLY being able to open up all of the windows and air out the house again! LoVe that!!!

  80. 1. i'm a follower of your blog and i LOVE LOVE LOVE penny's work!! i NEED to win!! :)

  81. 3. i tweeted about it!! (


  82. 4. i love spring the weather!! sunshine and gorgeous blue skies!!

  83. I just recently found your blog and am now a follower. Love the giveaway!

  84. My favorite thing about spring is the colorful flowers that are sprouting up everywhere.

  85. i am now a follower of marina's blog. she is adorable and so is her baby owen!!

  86. my favorite thing about spring is seeing my kiddos fresh little arms and legs again after being covered up all winter!

  87. I love the fragrance of flowers throughout spring!

  88. What I love about spring ? well.. I live in north-Norway. Its realy cold here and at the moment is a snowblizzard outside the door. Im so tired of getting overdressed with so many layers of clothes to just even thing about taking a walk - so what I love about the summer: The sun (we live without the sun a couple of months eatch year and have just gotten the sun back), warm weather and not having to put a ton of clothes on :)

  89. I am a happy follower of your blog!
    What a great giveaway!

  90. My favorite part about spring is the feeling of warmth in the air...being able to be outside!

  91. I became a follower of Marina...her work is gorgeous!

  92. I blogged about your giveaway here: (I don't know how to make it a link...sorry!)

  93. I am also a follower of Marina's and LOVE her work!

  94. ...and finally, my favorite thing about spring is bluebonnet season in Texas. Oh, and getting the flip flops back out! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  95. I follow and wow what cute stuff!

  96. My favorite part of spring is...little girls running around barefoot in the grass after being cooped up all winter.

  97. I love the colors of spring! It's nice to get away from wearing black!

  98. I'm a follower! And I love tulips and fresh grass.

  99. I am a follower of Marina & Penny Lane Designs & follow the blogs! I have also blogged about this contest on my blog - here is the link
    I love Spring because it's my birthday in April! No, that's not really why...I love the weather, wearing sandals & photographing in Fall. Thanks for doing this contest. Can't wait to find out who the winner is!

  100. I love the designs and am a follower of both

  101. P.S. I didn't make each one a separate line last time. Oops, hope I'm not disqualified! Here it goes...I left some love on the blog here & on Marina's

  102. I blogged about it here:
    Check out my business blog - oh how it needs a makeover!

  103. I love Spring because Spring clothes are cuter than winter ones, I love to wear sandals, I like photographing in Spring & my birthday is coming!

  104. My favorite thing about spring is the change. Change is in the air and in people as they start to migrate outside. I love it!

  105. my fav thing about spring is that summer is right around the corner! hahaha! i live up in alaska and spring is normally pretty muddy (with all the snow melting), and not so pretty...

  106. oh, and im also now following penny lane designs too :)

  107. follower :)btw i know im late but just giving it a try..honestly i happen to bump into ur site and love it...
    Twitter :
    i love the weather, the fruits, the colors ,the spring love in the air..the trees and plants all in happy and joy..the butterflies.. i live in kuwait so this is all spring out there right now...
    All 4 conditions done.. :) please pick us..preety please :)
    Our blog is :
    we are food bloggers
