Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I so excited I can not even control myself...

to be sitting front of a REAL computer! It has been nearly two weeks without my laptop and I am having true withdraws. I am at my parents house right now and feel a "little" bad that I ran right for the computer after handing off my kids. Wow my mind is racing and my fingers are aching to type but what? I have so MANY MANY things to say and post about. But for right now here is a couple of photos from our Sunday Funday to Hollywood Studios {season passes are the best to Disney when you live in Orlando}.

I will be back later with a giveaway...Oh it feels so good to be blogging.


  1. OK seriously Amy with those pictures?!! OMG!

  2. Such adorable photos! Love the face paint...looks like you had loads of fun. I did the same thing many times at my parents home when my kids were younger and they were always so excited to see the kids, I don't think they even noticed!!

  3. another reason to move here...you can come over anytime and use my computer! Just sayin!

  4. We were just at WDW this past weekend! FREAKY! :) I probably walked right past you! LOL


Don't be shy. I don't bite. Write something you know you want to...