Friday, February 19, 2010

I am a Barbie girl...

well not really {I was never really into Barbie, I was more a cabbage patch type of girl}. But my Buggie sure is. If I were to create a "Barbie world" for her it sure would include some of these goodies...

5. Barbie Room by Pottery Barn


  1. I loved Barbie as a child! But, I think it is TOO hard to dress her and it is frustrating for the girls to try to do it without help. They DO market their items well though because it seems ALL the little girls love Barbie.

  2. I think your Barbie room would be fabulous! A little girl's dream! :) I still remember my first Barbie....she was called "Peaches and Cream" :) But yes....I was more like you and more into Cabbage Patch. But I'm pretty sure I would have died for a Barbie room!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog :) I love yours, and your sweet little family! I definitely wish there were more hours in the day too, though. It seems like most days I'm just sort of squeaking through.

    Happy weekend!


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