Monday, January 18, 2010

Stephanie Fizer Illustration Giveaway

I just have fallen for Stephanie Fizer's quirky & cute illustrations. Her sweet and whimsical take on things is like a breath of fresh air.

Did something a little different with Stephanie and asked her to answer a few questions, thanks Stephanie for playing along!

1. When did you start illustrating?

I've always been a bit of a doodler, but I didn't seriously start drawing until about 7 years ago when a friend gifted me a sketchbook, some pencils and a book on drawing cartoons. I was hooked!

2. Where do you get your inspiration for your beyond adorable illustrations?

Everywhere, of course :) I think when your an artist it's hard to not be inspired, sometimes there are so many ideas jostling around in my head I don't know where to start. I keep a bunch of little idea journals for the extra bits of inspiration so I can go back and browse them when I'm ready to start working on something new. I grew up in a rural area and still live in an area surrounded by forest, so nature is a big inspiration. And I also really dig looking at vintage illustrations.

3. Did you go to school for art?

Nope, I sure didn't. I actually have a degree in history, which I am obviously putting to no use at all. But as far as art goes, I'm completely self taught through reading a lot of books and study the work of other illustrators.

4. Any cures for a creative slump?

I'm knocking on wood as I type this, but this isn't a huge problem for me. There are times when what I have in my head just won't come out properly on paper. When that happens, I find it's best to just walk away for a bit so I'll grab my dog and take her for a walk. Or settle down to read a book. Or go to Target for no particular reason, just to do something not creative for a bit. Then when I sit down at my desk again, all is well.

5. Pickles huh? Just pickles or anything pickled? {I love pickled things FAV pickle Wickles, oh so yummy}}

Yes, I have a pickle problem for sure. I've been known to go through a gallon jar of them in about a week. I also have a weakness for pickled cauliflower.

6. If given 1000 no holds bar what would you spend it on?

I'm lucky enough to say that I have everything I want in my life right now. Of course, if someone handed me 1000 right now, I'd be tempted to blow it on lots and lots of new art supplies, but after that urge passed, I'd donate the whole chunk to the relief efforts in Haiti, which is more important than anything I want or need right now.

7. Five things in your purse right now?


-sketchbook & pens

-shiny lip gloss


-hot pink umbrella

8. Do you have dishes in the sink right now{I only ask cause I am typing this list to avoid doing mine}?

Never! I'm one of those crazy people who can't go to sleep if there is a dish in the sink. Sadly, I also enjoy doing the dishes, it's good thinking time :)

Stephanie is giving one lucky winner a choice of any of the illustrations from above {click on the picture for the detailed listing}!

Here is how to enter {please leave a separate comment for each entry}
1. Follow my blog go over to Stephanie's shop and come back with your favorite item.
2. Become a follower of Stephanie's blog.
3. Follow Stephanie on Tweeter and/or become a fan on Facebook.
5. Register for Stephanie e-course. Flourish, Growing your creativity into a full-time business.
{5 extra entries}
4. Do you like doing dishes? {I just have to know!}

Giveaway is open until midnight on Jan 24 with a winner announced via on Jan 25.
Good luck!


  1. Blog follower!

    Love the I Heart Tea Flat Notecards Set of 5--so cute!

    mammaliciousmamma at yahoo dot com

  2. follow on twitter

    mammaliciousmamma at yahoo dot com

  3. i hate the dishes! lol

    mammaliciousmamma at yahoo dot com

  4. I simply LOVE the Tea Party Valentines. I'd love to just frame them for my daughter's room! They're beautiful!

  5. I became a follower of her blog! LOVE her art!

  6. Became a Facebook Fan (Mary K. C.)

  7. Her art is amazing! I love the it all but my daughter is looking over my shoulder right now and is going nuts over the Kokeshi Dolls prints, especially the July one.
    Thanks so much!

  8. No, I don't like doing the dishes. I am actually thankful that my oldest two kids are capable of doing most dish-related washing (with the dishwasher's help!) leaving me little to NO dishes to do! HOORAY!

  9. my kids love doing the dishes--therefore I don't have to like it :)

  10. that mermaid trinket box put me over the top on the cute factor--seriously??!! what didn't I like?!!!!

  11. LOVE the Love is Simple print!

  12. Um.....please tell me you DON'T like doing dishes!! I HATE them and laundry! But I'll vacuum all day that!

  13. Hands down the alphabet prints! They're adorable. I'm a teacher and I love things like that.

  14. I tried to subscribe to her blog but I'm not sure if it worked so I bookmarked it too just in case!

  15. I don't mind doing dishes as long as there's not a ton of them

  16. I like the Friendship Is a Sheltering Tree Print!
    cam22190 at gmail

  17. I really love the E is for Elephant Limited Edition Animal Alphabet Print and really everything else! :)

    annemolino at hotmail dot com

  18. I Follow Stephanie on twitter amolino

  19. I have been doing the dishes since the tender age of 3. really! despite this, I really don't mind it. it's cooking I loathe. :)

  20. I love the little monster school cards for sure! I have been eying them for a couple of days now :)

  21. follower! and i love the little teacup owl products! so cute!

  22. I used to like to wash dishes when I was younger...than my mother told me to do them...

    It was down hill from there.

  23. I love EVERYTHING but my favorite is probably the Owls of the Seasons or the Kokeshi prints!

  24. I HATE the dishes. Now that we have a little one I make a conscious effort to do them every night but I can get lazy about them really easily!

  25. Kite Girl Flat Notecard Set of 6 is so cute!
    susanerios at

  26. I really hate doing dishes. My husband always knows when I'm mad b/c I will do dishes.
    susanerios at

  27. I'm a follower

    One of my favorite items is Teacups In The Little Forest Flat Notecards

  28. I follow Stephanie on Twitter.

    Twitter name is SoBellaCreation

  29. No I do not like doing the dishes. I have a dish washer so loading it up is not so bad.

    I also gave a shout out on my blog about the giveaway.

  30. I love the tea party fairy print! All of her illustrations are grand!

  31. bookish owl mounted print....

    cuz my mama's a librarian for a school of owls.

  32. I absolutely hate doing dishes!


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