Friday, January 8, 2010

SNOW, oh please say it is so...

Some if not all of you may roll your eyes at this post, but I am writing anyway...

Any time we have a cool day with gray skies, these words escape my lips "Looks like it should be snowing." Now at this point my Hubby will say "Um, you are becoming very predictable. And so is me saying, not happening Wifey."
Well lets just say when I utter {inert my sentence above} today, Hubbys response will not be {insert his sentence above}, it is going to be "Holy Crap, there might be snow in Central Florida!"

Now mind you, this will not be any blanketing snow and it may even melt before it hits the ground. But the thought, of the thought, makes me smile {insert your eye rolling}. I may have to be up between 1am and 7am to experience the possibility of one flake hitting my tongue, could I do it for snow, well maybe. But better thought I may need to network with some fellow C. Floridans to send me a text when they spot any of the white stuff starting to flutter.

{image provided via Flicker here.}


  1. i'm hoping too....I hear Tampa may get some! LOVE that coloring???

  2. for your sake I hope you get some...
    for the sake of my friends leaving a winter wonderland tomorrow to take a vacation in sunny florida, I hope it's gone by tthe time they get there :)

  3. You're in Florida? Me too. I'm really hoping we get some snow in Gainesville!


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