Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Shout it from the mountain tops!

Ok so I have been holding off on posting about this,

as I have not wanted to jinx it.

But I Think

The Time Has

Come To Share....

See this little guy...

Pretty darn cute right?

He has for the past week...a

Slept through the night!

That’s right you heard me, not even two months old and my little man is sleeping from 8 to 8, say what?!

Now please do not write me to ask how I did it, cause I have no answers. I just woke up one night last week {hurting something serious in the chest area, if you know what I mean} and looked over at his little content face sleeping soundly.

Now I am not posting this to rub in anyone’s face, but more to say how proud I am of my little Bean.

{side note anyone have an eczema cream that they use and love? His poor little cheeks...}


  1. Yay, mamma!!! Good for you for getting some good night's sleep..and that little bean is simply adorable!

  2. Congrats!!!! I have a 3 month old and she started sleeping through the night at 7 weeks. WONDERFUL - except like you said "hurting something serious in the chest area".

    As far as the eczema cream - I have never used it but I think Triple Cream makes a eczema cream. I know their diaper rash cream is wonderful.

  3. Yippie! Isn't if funny how it's all of a sudden? Melody started at exactly 10 weeks, and I thought that was good!

  4. Good for you....AND him!!!

    Eucerin cream??? Ask doc first though! Precious baby boy!

  5. That is great 8 To 8 lucky girl!!!
    as for the dry skin on you babies cheeks i love Aquaphor it's the best it dosen't have an Zinc in it so it doesn't burn their little cheeks the ones up top and the below. Best stuff ever!!

  6. for eczema control (after it's all cleaned up with a medicated cream)
    I use Allouette's nutri mist.
    My kids get it sprayed on their trouble spots every night and after a bath or swimming and medicated cream for over 2 years!
    Love it!

  7. I use the California Baby Cream found at Target for my daughter's eczema.

    Congrats on the sleeping through the night.

  8. I second the Aquaphor recommendation. I have very sensitive skin kiddos and it is great!

  9. go BEAN!!! I'm glad you posted about the cream because I have been searching for some....T's cheeks are so bad right now with this cold weather!

  10. Oh he is too darn cute! AND he sleeps thru the night? Keep that one! There is a cream made by Arbonne that is supposed to work wonders on baby eczema- I'm not sure of the name but Arbonne is sold thru home parties and reps so if you can find a local gal, I'm sure she'll know which one it is (I think it's their Nutrimin body serum but not positive)

  11. YAY!! My daughter (#2) did the same thing.

    I have TERRIBLE excema and my kids have it once in a while, too. Vaseline works fantastic! Steer clear of lotions with scents. My derm recommends CeraVe (non-script, but they have it behind the pharmacy counter at Target).

  12. Adorable pics and you are so lucky to have a little sleeper! We used the one that is in a green bottle called little something I think. If you haven't found a good solution by now, let me know and i will research further. Helena's little dry skin from the cold around her nose, mouth and cheeks has been soothed with straight up aquafor.

  13. Hmm, I went from living in Orlando to thousands of miles away above the Arctic Circle. Needless to say, the dry cold air is heck on our skin. Both my children have some pretty bad eczema, and just this year, after creams and lotions and every remedy in the book, I had an elder say to me, "Just bathe them in oil." I was thinking, "WHAT?!" He said, "No, give them a bath every day, but in the water, put about 8 or 10 tsp of cooking oil in the water. Plain, old cooking oil." And let me tell you, it WORKS. Both my kids have beautiful soft skin and we only "bathe them in oil" once a week or so! :) Good luck.


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