Monday, November 16, 2009

Check out this Mondays giveaway, WOW!

As you may or may not know a couple of months back I participated in a Blog/Shop Swap.
My second partner was sweet Monica from Monirose.
I asked Monica to tell us all a little bit about herself.
So the stage is all yours Monica:

About me:  I am 23, a working mama of gorgeous baby Clare (10 months old) who is fondly called "clare bear" and "little bird", and married to my amazing husband Ryan (of almost two years). I sew and create into the wee hours of the night after they are t'bed. Raised by a crafty and thrifty mom of twelve (yup I'm one of twelve kids!), and surrounded by six extremely talented and creative sisters, I couldn't help that some of it rubbed off (if not the creativity, but at least the craftiness).  Etsy is such a source of inspiration and community - I love it.

About my shop/work: I found my "creative niche" in college when I started sewing dresses for myself. Two years ago, I took the plunge and made my own wedding dress - such an adventure; I give A LOT of credit to my roommate who put up with fabric and dressform in our living room for 6 months!), after that, I was totally hooked into creating special occasion gowns and dresses; both for women and little girls. 

I've been selling on Etsy for half a year and mainly have made custom orders - I'd love to be able to stop working and sustain a modest second income from Etsy sales. I'm in the works of a couple custom bridal pieces (YAY!), but also love taking on fun, new challenges from customers.  I simply LOVE getting my hands on pieces of raw silk, laces, and trims and have too many ideas in my head for the few hours I currently have to sew!

Something I've learned from selling on Etsy is that handmade is NOT always 'cheaper', but it is almost always better!  I ascribe to a handmade life of beautiful, wellmade, and keepsake items.  I want our daughter Clare to grow up surrounded by the cherished memories of family: my mom gifted us an heirloom quilt top that was pieced by my great grandmother from old clothes, and Clare's baptism gown was made from remnants of my wedding gown: I want my customers and friends to invest in that same idea, and create fun and cherished memories for theirs!

Thanks so much Amy for featuring my work and I hope you and Buggie LOVE the little dress I made for her :)

Thanks Monica!  And "Yes!" we both LOVED Buggie's special dress.  
Check it out...
Monica and I wanted to collabrate together on a special giveaway for both our followers.  Here is the details on this weeks giveaway.  Winner will have choice of option 1 (Girl) or 2 (Boy).  Read below for details on both options.

Here is how to enter:
1. Become a follower of my blog and leave a comment about which option you
would choose.
2. Become a follower of One Among Sisters and leave a comment under Monica's post about this giveaway.
3. Blog, Tweet, or FB about this giveaway. Please leave a link if possible.

Please leave a separate comment for each entry.  For those that comment on both blogs entries on this giveaway we are going to tally up all entries before picking a winner (You got it double your chances!)

Giveaway ends Nov 22 at midnight Eastern Time.  Winner will be announced
on Nov 23.  
*Please note if option 1 is chosen, this item will be made and shipped in time for the holidays.

**UPDATED: just a note option 1 is valued at $76.00 and option 2 is valued at $55**




    my post is up: thank goodness!

    Thank you SO much Amy :0 Cannot wait to see who wins!

  2. Oh definately Option 2!!!!
    Too cute!
    Thanks for the chance to win
    (I'm a follower of yours)

  3. I'm a follower. Option 1, for my daughter.

  4. Hi Amy,
    You know I am a follower of your blog and I love option # 2 since I have a boy!

  5. I am a follower of her blog and left a comment!

  6. Option 1 - I am loving the color purple on my Lil Lexi :)

  7. I left a comment & became a follower of her blog

  8. I follow. Option 2 would be cute for my little boy!

  9. I follow One Among Sisters and left a comment!

  10. I'm a follower. I'd pick option 2!

  11. I follow One Among Sisters, and I left a comment too!


Don't be shy. I don't bite. Write something you know you want to...