Thursday, October 8, 2009

10 reasons why I love you so...

Not sure how many of you out there can relate but there those weeks were you just need to remind yourself all the great things your kiddos do.  I am having one of those weeks.  Buggie has been sick with an ear infection, so she missed school (my days to get things done) and ballet.  
As today comes to an end it was the fourth day in the house, lets just cabin fever is understatement.  Here is a SHORT list of things she does that make me smile:

1. I love how she dances all the time.

2. Every Disney princess song is embedded in her little head.

3. Her dog is her best friend.

4. That she thinks her Daddy is SUPER funny, so much so the other day she told him to stop making her laugh so she could go to the potty.

 5. Buggie is her own person, she loves boundaries and at the same time pushing their limits.

6. When I am kissing all over her she turns into Joe Pesci from Lethal Weapon, Ok Ok Ok Ok OK Mommy thats enough.  Then kisses me and starts laughing.

7. That she has imaginary friends.  

8. When she randomly comes up to me and kisses me, and says "Momma I love you soooo much."

9. She could careless what anyone thinks about her outfit (as the above picture shows, this was on the way to the grocery store).

10. Lastly and most important of all she made me a Mommy, without her I would not be writing this.

Fly high my little girl...


  1. What a sweet post! You are a GREAT mommy!

  2. Just found your blog, love it! I took my 2 year old to Target in her Cinderella costume today. Your little Buggie is too TOO cute!

  3. What an awesome post! Have a great weekend! :)

    Heidi Jo the Artist

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  4. oh my!
    She is SO very precious. Gives me good ideas for her dress! yay :)

  5. Just beautiful! You are the world's best mommy!


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