Friday, August 21, 2009

Just a couple of things to mention...

First, I will have another giveaway up bright and early Monday morning.  I can promise it will be a good one.  So make sure to check back.

Secondly,  not sure if you knew but I recently opened an Etsy Store of my own, True Love Found.  I have been busy making crowns of all sorts for girls and now boys too!  I will be setting up a giveaway within the next week for a crown, so yet another reason to check back!

Oh and last but differently not least, we are gearing up for Buggies first day of preschool next week.  Hubby and I went to meet the teacher last night, and we are both very excited.  But not so sure how excited Buggie will be that morning.  I just hope the water works are at a minimum for both her and I.  I will for sure blog about this experience next week, so oh wait another reason to check back!

Hope I have given you guys enough to look forward to, I know I am excited...



  2. Oh I love your items! Would be perfect for my daughters bday party...or anytime I'm having some giveaways at my blog you might be interested in, stop by

  3. Congrats! You won the traveling wine wrap from the hip hostess! Email us your address and we will send your goodies right away!

    The hip hostesses

  4. At dinner tonight, Holland decided he wanted to be a pirate for Halloween! I will need a Holland of the High Seas and a more feminine version for Helena so that their hats can match in some way! I will have to show you her costume, it comes with a hat, but I would rather purchase one from you! Haven't picked out a costume for Holland, didn't like the one that I saw in the catalog where I found Helenas. Love the new designs!


Don't be shy. I don't bite. Write something you know you want to...