Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Adventures in Motherhood. Chapter 1

With our new baby in the oven, I find myself wondering how the heck all this is going to work.  When I was preggers (My hubby hates the word preggers) with Avery I had all the new mother worries.  Are we going to survive without me working, I am going to make it through labor without freaking out on my hubby, are we going to stay insane and the list went on and on.  Three years later I can say some concerns were valid but they were few and far between.  I still find myself questioning my sanity, but I have come to terms with the fact that this will always be.

So with Jellybean on the way new concerns are popping up.  My husband and I are one of those couples who like the surprise of not finding out what we are having.  Avery is convinced that Jellybean is a girl.  So now with Avery I find myself every day telling her "You know Jellybean might be a boy".    At a recent visit to Babies R Us, she picked up every single pink or purple thing she could find and told us this is for Jellybean.  Hubby and looked at each other and said in unison, "We better bring her home a girl!".  So what if Jellybean is a boy, is she going to put him out on the porch for someone to come take him?  Is she going to ask me to return him to the store?  Oh the images flowing through my head...

1 comment:

  1. That just supports my view... You really should find out if it's a boy or girl for Avery's (Aunt Deorah's) sake ha ha! xoxo


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